Running xpipeline-workflow on the command line

As described on the home page, the main interface to the xpipeline-workflow algorithm is the command-line executable xpipeline-workflow.

Basic instructions

Basic instructions on running xpipeline-workflow can be gained by looking at the --help menu:

$ xpipeline-workflow --help
usage: xpipeline-workflow [-h] -s SEARCH_TYPE -p PARAMS_FILE -n GRB_NAME -g
                          TRIGGER_TIME -r RA -d DECL -i DETECTOR
                          [DETECTOR ...] [--FAR FAR] [--FAP FAP]
                          [-e SKY_POS_ERR] [-t GRID_TYPE]
                          [--right-ascension2 RA2] [--declination2 DECL2]
                          [--sky-pos-err2 SKY_POS_ERR2] [-f GRID_SIM_FILE]
                          [--network-selection] [--injdistrib INJDISTRIB]
                          [--injdistrib2 INJDISTRIB2]
                          [--elognormal ELOGNORMAL]
                          [--elognormal2 ELOGNORMAL2]
                          [--priority CONDORPRIORITY]
                          [--end-offset MANUALENDOFFSET] [-m MDC_PATH]
                          [--disable-fast-injections] [-c CATALOG_DIR]
                          [--big-mem MINIMALMEM]
                          [--use-merging-cuts MERGINGCUTSPATH] [--reuse-inj]
                          [--xtmva] [--off-source-inj] [--long-inj]
                          [--smart-cluster] [-v | -q]

Script for setting up X-Pipeline triggered search jobs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --FAR FAR             To be used with the --search-type=allsky argument.
                        This controls the number of background trials/jobs
                        such that the desired FAR is achieved roughly exactly.
                        Will warn and error if not enough coincident
                        background to achieve desired FAR
  --FAP FAP             To be used with the --search-type=sn or grb argument.
                        This controls the number of background trials/jobs
                        such that the desired FAP is achieved roughly exactly.
                        Will warn and error if not enough coincident
                        background to achieve desired FAP
  -e SKY_POS_ERR, --sky-pos-err SKY_POS_ERR
                        1-sigma uncertainty in sky position of GRB (degrees)
                        or file name of sky position grid to be used with -t
                        file option.
  -t GRID_TYPE, --grid-type GRID_TYPE
                        String. Determines what shape of sky position grid
                        will be generated. Recognized values are 'circular'
                        (2-d grids constructed from concentric 'healpix' (2-d
                        grids constructed using the healpix algorithm), 'line'
                        (1-d arc grid), and 'file' (user generated grid of
                        point, given with -e option). 'timedelay' (1-D arc
                        that creates fixed time delay steps between base line
                        of Dets Default 'circular'.
  --right-ascension2 RA2
                        Right ascension of center of second trigger error
                        circle (degrees, from 0 to 360). Intended for ANTARES
                        HEN analysis.
  --declination2 DECL2  Declination of center of second trigger error circle
                        (degrees, from -90 to 90). Intended for ANTARES HEN
  --sky-pos-err2 SKY_POS_ERR2
                        1-sigma uncertainty in sky position of second trigger
                        error circle (degrees).
  -f GRID_SIM_FILE, --grid-sim-file GRID_SIM_FILE
                        File which contains (R.A.,Dec) coordinates of
                        simulated source positions. To be used with '--grid-
                        type file' option.
  --network-selection   If this flag is set we select the appropriate network
                        of IFOs from the set specified using the --detector
                        option using our data-quality selection criteria; see
  --injdistrib INJDISTRIB
                        Tilde delimited string of parameters describin the
                        injection distribution in the first circle Formats
                        are: 1 parameter: 1-sigma containment of a fisher
                        distribution 3 parameters: lognormal distribution in
                        degrees 4 parameters: fisher distribution of
                        statistical error and core + tail fisher distribution
                        of systematic error. [stat_sigma sys_core_sigma
                        fraction_core sys_tail_sigma] all sigma are in degrees
  --injdistrib2 INJDISTRIB2
                        Same as --injdistrib but for second error circle.
  --elognormal ELOGNORMAL
                        Same as --injdistrib
  --elognormal2 ELOGNORMAL2
                        Same as --injdistrib2
                        Integer specifying the priority of condor jobs.
                        Default value is 0, higher priority jobs are submitted
                        first to the cluster.
  --end-offset MANUALENDOFFSET
                        Specify that the end offset of the onsource window
                        should be greater or equal <offset>. The maximum of
                        the end offset in the ini file and <offset> is used.
  -m MDC_PATH, --mdc-path MDC_PATH
                        Path to mdc parent dir If this option is used then the
                        mdc log files for each GRB will be copied from <mdc-
                        path>/GRB_<grb-name>/<waveform>/logs into the GRBs
                        /input dir and renamed according to X-Pipeline
                        If set disables the fast processing of injections time
                        frequency map produced only for small window around
                        injection time
  -c CATALOG_DIR, --catalogdir CATALOG_DIR
                        Specify location of waveform catalog files for
                        astrophysical injections (e.g., supernovae)
  --big-mem MINIMALMEM  Integer specifying the minimal memory requirement for
                        condor jobs in MB.
  --use-merging-cuts MERGINGCUTSPATH
                        Specify the location of a post-processing directory
                        from which coherent cuts should be read and applied to
                        triggers at the the trigger collection stage
  --reuse-inj           If --use-merging-cuts option also set will reuse the
                        injection from the previous cut-tuning run. Use with
                        caution no check is performed on consistency between
                        provided and needed injections.
  --xtmva               Perform XTMVA analysis.
  --off-source-inj      If set perform injections into the off-source instead
                        of the on-source region.
  --long-inj            If specified, then when making injection dags a buffer
                        will be used in comparing injection peak time to block
                        interval to determine if an injection should be
                        processed by multiple blocks. Works only for waveform
                        sets with names beginning with adi-a, adi-b, adi-c,
                        adi-d, adi-e, ebbh-a, ebbh-d, ebbh-e, mva. See code
                        for details.
  --smart-cluster       This will produce an extra set of DAGs that will run
                        the smart clustering for large production analyses.
  -v, --verbose
  -q, --quiet

required named arguments:
  -s SEARCH_TYPE, --search-type SEARCH_TYPE
                        Search Type you would like to perform
  -p PARAMS_FILE, --params-file PARAMS_FILE
                        Parameters (.ini) file
  -n GRB_NAME, --grb-name GRB_NAME
                        Name of GRB, e.g., GRB070201
                        GRB trigger time (GPS seconds)
  -r RA, --right-ascension RA
                        Right ascension of GRB (degrees, from 0 to 360)
  -d DECL, --declination DECL
                        Declination of GRB (degrees, from -90 to 90)
  -i DETECTOR [DETECTOR ...], --detector DETECTOR [DETECTOR ...]
                        Add detector to the network

Detailed instructions

A few of the command-line options require special formatting, use the reference below for more detailed info.