Source code for xpipeline.postprocess.postprocess
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Scott Coughlin (2017-)
# This file is part of the XPypeline python package.
# hveto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# hveto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with hveto. If not, see <>.
# ---- Import standard modules to the python path.
import numpy
import pandas
from xpipeline.core import XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict, csc_XSparseTimeFrequencyMap
from ..cluster.cluster import XCluster
_default_columns = ['min_time_of_cluster',
'weighted_center_time', 'max_time_of_cluster',
[docs]def extract_clusters_from_dict(maps, statistic_column='standard_energy', connectivity_list=[8,24,48,80],):
all_clusters = XCluster()
for fft_length in list(maps.keys()):
for skypostion, imap in list(maps[fft_length].items()):
# Obtain all sparse time frequency maps for this fftlength and sky position
all_energies = []
all_columns = _default_columns.copy()
for k,v in list(imap.items()):
all_columns.append('coherent_' + k)
all_columns.append('incoherent_' + k)
# Just assign the energy attribute of the last sparse maps to be
# all the coherent and incoherent energies and get all clsuter properities
tmp_sparse_map = list(v.values())[0]
all_energies = numpy.asarray(all_energies)
all_energies = numpy.vstack((all_energies[0] + all_energies[2],all_energies)) = all_energies
for connectivity in connectivity_list:
clusters = tmp_sparse_map.cluster(columns=all_columns, connectivity=connectivity)
clusters['connectivity'] = connectivity
# append the cluster to other clusters from same sky locations
all_clusters = all_clusters.append(clusters)
all_clusters = all_clusters.groupby(['connectivity']).apply(lambda x, statistic_column: XCluster(x).supercluster(statistic_column=statistic_column), statistic_column=statistic_column).reset_index(drop=True)
return all_clusters
[docs]def extract_clusters_from_table(table, event_type, **kwargs):
all_clusters = pandas.DataFrame()
for fft_length in set(table.cols.dx):
for phi, theta in set(zip(table.cols.phi, table.cols.theta)):
# Obtain all sparse time frequency maps for this fftlength and sky position
sparse_maps = [
for row in table.where("""(dx == {0}) & (phi == {1}) & (theta == {2})""".format(fft_length, phi, theta,))]
# Reformat the above list of projected sparse time frequency maps into
# a nested dictionary of key : {key1 :value}} where
# key=projection (i.e. 'f_plus') key1 is detectors
projected_sparse_maps = XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict({imap.map_type : XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict() for imap in sparse_maps})
for imap in sparse_maps:
projected_sparse_maps[imap.map_type][] = imap
all_energies = []
all_columns = _default_columns.copy()
for k,v in list(projected_sparse_maps.items()):
all_columns.append('coherent_' + k.decode("utf-8"))
all_columns.append('incoherent_' + k.decode("utf-8"))
# Just assign the energy attribute of the last sparse maps to be
# all the coherent and incoherent energies and get all clsuter properities
tmp_sparse_map = list(v.values())[0] = numpy.asarray(all_energies)
clusters = tmp_sparse_map.cluster(columns=all_columns, **kwargs)
# append the cluster to other clusters from same sky locations
all_clusters = all_clusters.append(clusters)
# super cluster over sky locations and ffitlengths for this event
all_clusters = all_clusters.supercluster(statistic_column='coherent_f_plus')
# extract event info
trigger_info = table._v_pathname.split('/')
if event_type in ['background', 'onsource']:
event_info = list([x for x in trigger_info if 'event' in x])[0]
internal_time_slide = int(list([x for x in trigger_info if 'internal_slide' in x])[0].split('_')[-1])
all_clusters['event'] = event_info
all_clusters['internal_time_slide'] = internal_time_slide
event_info = list([x for x in trigger_info if 'event' in x])[0]
waveform_info = list([x for x in trigger_info if 'waveform' in x])[0]
injection_scale = float(list([x for x in trigger_info if 'injection_scale' in x])[0].split('_')[-1].replace('d','.'))
injection_number = int(list([x for x in trigger_info if 'injection_number' in x])[0].split('_')[-1])
all_clusters['event'] = event_info
all_clusters['waveform'] = waveform_info
all_clusters['injection_scale'] = injection_scale
all_clusters['injection_number'] = injection_number
return all_clusters
[docs]def extract_cnn_maps_from_table(table,):
for fft_length in set(table.cols.dx):
if fft_length == 0.25:
for phi, theta in set(zip(table.cols.phi, table.cols.theta)):
# Obtain all sparse time frequency maps for this fftlength and sky position
sparse_maps = [
for row in table.where("""(dx == {0}) & (phi == {1}) & (theta == {2})""".format(fft_length, phi, theta,))]
# Reformat the above list of projected sparse time frequency maps into
# a nested dictionary of key : {key1 :value}} where
# key=projection (i.e. 'f_plus') key1 is detectors
projected_sparse_maps = XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict({imap.map_type : XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict() for imap in sparse_maps})
for imap in sparse_maps:
projected_sparse_maps[imap.map_type][] = imap
# Determine the size of the input to the CNN
input_size = list(sparse_maps[0].shape)
input_size.append( len(list(projected_sparse_maps.keys()))*2)
# initialize input to all zeros
data = numpy.zeros(input_size)
i = 0
for k,v in list(projected_sparse_maps.items()):
data[:,:,i] = v.to_coherent().power2(2).todense()
data[:,:,i+1] = v.power2().to_coherent().todense()
i +=2
return data
[docs]def extract_energy_maps_from_table(table, **kwargs):
injection_time = kwargs.pop('injection_time', None)
window = kwargs.pop('window', None)
for fft_length in set(table.cols.dx):
if fft_length == 0.25:
for phi, theta in set(zip(table.cols.phi, table.cols.theta)):
# Obtain all sparse time frequency maps for this fftlength and sky position
sparse_maps = [
for row in table.where("""(dx == {0}) & (phi == {1}) & (theta == {2})""".format(fft_length, phi, theta,))]
# assume you will use all pixels as samples unless this is in an injection in whcih casse
# we only want to provide weight to pixels within some window of the injection
mask = numpy.ones(sparse_maps[0].tindex.size)
if injection_time is not None:
injection_time_indices = numpy.searchsorted(sparse_maps[0].xindex, [injection_time-window, injection_time+window])
mask[numpy.searchsorted(injection_time_indices,sparse_maps[0].tindex) != 1] = 0
# Reformat the above list of projected sparse time frequency maps into
# a nested dictionary of key : {key1 :value}} where
# key=projection (i.e. 'f_plus') key1 is detectors
projected_sparse_maps = XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict({imap.map_type : XSparseTimeFrequencyMapDict() for imap in sparse_maps})
for imap in sparse_maps:
projected_sparse_maps[imap.map_type][] = imap
# number of rows
num_rows = len(list(projected_sparse_maps.keys()))*2 + 1
# Determine the size of the input to the CNN
input_size = [num_rows]
# initialize input to all zeros
data = numpy.zeros(input_size)
data[num_rows-1, :] = mask
i = 0
for k,v in list(projected_sparse_maps.items()):
data[i, :] = v.to_coherent().power2(2).energy
data[i+1, :] = v.power2().to_coherent().energy
i +=2
return data
[docs]def undo_slides(x,block_time=256):
# (blocktime + (cluster_min_time_hanford + external slide livingston) -
# (event_time + extenral slide livingsto) - half blocktime - internal slide) +
# (cluster_min_time_hanford + external slide livingston)
# min time of cluster hanford
h_min_time = x['min_time_of_cluster']
external_slide = int(x['event'].split('_')[-1])
internal_slide = x['internal_time_slide']
event_time = int(x['event'].split('_')[1])
return event_time+numpy.mod(h_min_time-event_time-180,block_time) + external_slide