This module provides the basis for selecting a valid network of detectors to use for an analysis based on some requiremnets for the quality of the on-source data

xpipeline.setuputils.xnetworkselection.main(detectorList, centerTimesFile, timeOffsetsFile, cat1_segment_file, cat24_segment_file, output_file, verbosity, windowBeginOffset, windowEndOffset, transientTime, windowLength)[source]
detectors_considered cell array of ifos to be considered, e.g.,

[‘H1’ ‘H2’ ‘L1’], size (1 * nIfo).

centerTimes vector of segment center times, size (nJobs * 1). timeOffsets array of segment time offsets,

size(nJobs * nIfo).

cat1_seglist structure containing cat1 DQ segments (i.e.,

livetimes). cat1_seglist(nIfo).gpsStart() cat1_seglist(nIfo).duration()

cat2_seglist Similar to cat1_seglist but containing cat2

veto segments (deadtime).

verbosity string used to control verbosity of output,

either ‘verbose’ or ‘quiet’.

output_file String. Name of file to which we will write

the detector networks.

windowBeginOffset String. Offset [sec] between start of on-source

window and trigger time, e.g., -600.

windowEndOffset String. Offset [sec] between end of on-source

window and trigger time, e.g., 60.

transientTime String. Length of time [sec] discarded at

beginning and end of each analysis block, e.g., 4.

windowLength String. 2*transientTime+jobsPerWindow*(blockTime-2*transientTime)

XNETWORKSELECTION is a wrapper function for calling XAPPLYNETWORKTESTS. It is intended to be compiled, allowing it to be called from the command line or from python scripts such as

XNETWORKSELECTION takes in lists of event times and on-source windows, plus lists of science mode livetime and veto deadtime segment files. It uses XAPPLYNETWORKTESTS to determine which detectors satisfy the data quality criteria (defined in XAPPLYNETWORKTESTS) to be used for the analysis of each event. The list of acceptable detectors for each event is written to the file specified by the input argument output_file, with one line per event, of the form ‘H1L1V1’, or ‘H1H2’, etc.

Our criteria for including an ifo in our network is as follows:w i) No deadtime incurred by category 1 flags in an interval [-128,+128]s

about the GRB trigger time. X-pipeline requires 256s in order to estimate the PSD, category 1 flags raised within these 256s will lead to inaccurate/incorrect PSD estimation.

  1. Less than 9s (5#) deadtime incurred by category 2 flags in the onsource, i.e., an interval [-120,+60]s about the GRB trigger time. We tune our glitch rejection cuts using calculation of the 90# UL on hrss amplitude. If we lose much more than 5# deadtime in our (dummy) onsource we may not be able to accurately estimate the hrss amplitude leading to 90# detection efficiency.

  1. No deadtime incurred by category 2 flags in an interval [-5,+1]s about the GRB trigger time. Many GRB models predict similar arrival times of EM and GW emission from a GRB. We therefore require that inclusion of an ifo does not kill times close to the GRB trigger time.